Thank you, in advance, for your continued generosity. Advent kick’s off a wonderful season of the spirit of giving for our school community. Below are just a few ways for our school families to enter into the Spirit of St. Nick in the coming weeks: TOY DRIVE–Please put aside a few new or gently used toys for us to donate to Gifts to Give this Christmas …
All you saints and angels, pray for us! We are reminded through the lives of Saints that we can all strive for holiness, and that the paths to Christ are varied. Let us strive for perseverance in our daily lives to grow closer to God and reach our heavenly goal! Click here to enjoy many holy moments of this annual school event.
Sure to be a ghostly great night! Prizes for best costume…Trick or treating down the first floor hallway…fun games and raffles, and the infamous “Haunted Stage” designed and executed by our 8th grade class! Friday, Oct 25th 6:30-8:30pm Please send in your reservation form and any candy donations to help our 8th grade class have a successful fundraising event. Thank you in advance!
Support local artisans and our school while doing your Christmas shopping!
Thank you to the many families who were able to join us! Click here to enjoy a few highlights from our school’s annual Blessing of the Animals on October 4th, the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, to commemorate his love of animals and nature as gifts from God.
The School Events Committee was excited to host… SFX Family Harvest-fest 2019! Saturday, September 28th from 1-3pm Games and fun for the whole family! Click here to enjoy some highlights of the event.
Celebrating the blessing of family! We are so grateful for the many Grandparents of our Kindergarten through 2nd graders who recently visited for a morning celebration that included school Mass, donut treats, bingo, and some dancing! Click here to enjoy some heart-warming memories from this wonderful annual tradition.
Back-to-School time! Please take the time to read the following details regarding the start of the 2019-2020 school year, and contact the school office with any questions you may have: Click here for the August letter containing ALL beginning of school year details, and please note the following: “Drop Off” of Shared Classroom Supplies is set to take place on Tuesday – Thursday (August 20th-22nd) during summer …
Now enrolling Preschool 3 and 4 year old’s through Grade 8 We are pleased to open our registration to the 2019-2020 school year online! If you are a NEW family, please visit our admissions webpage by clicking here, to begin the process of applying. We look forward to meeting you! CURRENT families who are applying for a sibling please click here and log in using your ParentsWeb …
Students and families enjoyed a fun, affordable and faith-filled summer program this July! Our Summer Fun program in July is open to children of school and parish families ages 3-12. July 8-12; 15-19; 22-26 Click here to enjoy photo memories from Summer Fun 2019 Program hours: 8:00am—4:00pm Trip to the Movie Theater–Wednesdays (Summer Movies TBA) Daily Mass (weather permitting)Preschool and K students will attend …
Looking forward to a celebrating the artistic gifts and talents of our K-5 students May 16th! Some need-to-knows for the day… The staggered performance times are to assist with parking and crowd control. You only need to be present for your child’s performance time. Please have your child at the school gym at least 15 minutes before their scheduled performance. You are free to leave …
Please join us, if you are able! The month of May is upon us, and is dedicated to Our Blessed Mother. On Monday, May 13th, immediately following Mass, as our second graders “do the honors” of crowning Our Blessed Mother here at the school. That same afternoon at 1pm, we will celebrate the joy of the resurrection with an Easter Celebration beyond measure! Classes have …
Dear parents, There was a disturbance that caused our school to initiate a shelter-in-place at 1:45pm on Wednesday, May 8th. Police were on the school property for an isolated incident. All students and faculty were safe in the building the entire time. At 2pm we were cleared for normal indoor activity. At 2:10pm we were cleared for outdoor dismissal. All after school activities will run …
Come pray with us this week-April 14-21! Students may be on break this week, but all are welcome to come to any or all of the following Holy Week services at the parish, as we continue to seek the face of the Lord this Lent. We wish you all a blessed week!
Thank you to all who came to support our gala on Saturday, March 2nd! You helped us IMAGINE the possibilities for current and future students! Click here for photos from a wonderful evening shared in community. Thank you to all of our event sponsors!