As we are all well aware, the 2020-2021 school year was quite a ride! Amidst all of the guidelines and challenges, our school families were and continue to be incredibly supportive and grateful for our parish school… we have SO much to celebrate and be thankful for!
It is with great excitement that St. Francis Xavier School announces our
9th Annual Gala and Auction,
Glow in the Dark
When? Thursday, August 12th, 2021 @ 6pm
Where? The Century House in Acushnet
What to expect? Silent, Chance, and Live Auctions; Dinner, Music and Fun!
While we realize that all of our school parents may not be able to attend this annual fundraiser, we request that you
PLEASE CLICK HERE for a quick Google Form to communicate your attendance intentions and reserve your tickets now!
Why support our gala?

This year’s school theme of being Disciples of Christ, encapsulated the idea of standing out and glowing amidst challenges. Our school community has certainly accomplished that!
At this year’s gala, we will also honor and recognize Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Davignon as our Cornerstone Award recipients. The D’s unwavering support and dedication to our parish school throughout the years has been incredible. Please plan on joining us (and Mrs. D) on August 12th at the Century House to also celebrate the gift that they both are and have been to St. Francis!
The evening will be an opportunity for fun, fellowship and fundraising. The monies raised during the event will help us to continue to provide excellence in all capacities here at St. Francis.